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CRM Integration error messages
CRM Integration error messages

FAQ: Different CRM error messages and solutions for HubSpot, Lime CRM, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Upsales, Superoffice, and Dynamics.

Updated over 5 months ago

Vainu Error messages give you insight into what is the root cause of issues you might be experiencing.

The most common situations where you might see error messages

  • Setting up Vainu integration

  • Exporting companies individually or in a bulk

  • Manual and automatic updates

  • Setting up Trigger events

Issues when Setting up Vainu integration

When settings up Vainu integration you might run into a couple of commonly known issues.

Limited CRM permissions

To establish connection Vainu integrations need to have Read and Write access to the CRM system, to be able to create, maintain and update fields.

  • Make sure you have CRM Admin Permissions

CRM user account is already attached to a different Vainu user account

It is not possible to use the same CRM user account with multiple Vainu users. If you want to use a CRM user, which was previously used on another Vainu user account, contact Vainu support to remove the connection.

CRM Account is already attached to a different Vainu Company Account.

It is not possible to use users from two different CRM environments with one Vainu Company Account. In the case of your organization having multiple Vainu company Accounts, make sure to have a separate CRM environment for each Vainu Account.

Issues when Exporting companies individually or as a bulk / Manual and automatic updates / Setting up Trigger events

Most common issues:

Data is mapped to an incorrect field, which does not support the exported value.

To troubleshoot the issue

CRM Field does not support a Data point format exported from Vainu

The error message should indicate which Vainu Dta point is not supported. Try changing the mapping for this field, change the target field or remove the data mapping altogether.
Read more about Connector: Data Mapping

CRM field is mandatory but Data point is not found

Add secondary data points in data mapping to fields that are mandatory in your CRM.

‼️ Make sure you do not have any unnecessary duplicate rules on your CRM.

Learn more about Data Mapping

Additional specific error messages

Pipedrive error codes and solutions:

Error example 1 ❗️
Sorry, but we could not update your billing details. Please try again and if the error persists contact support

  • There are issues with your Pipedrive license. Please contact Pipedrive support or update your billing details in

Error example 2 ❗️
{u'errorCode': 500, u'success': False} Status code: 500

  • This error code is related to problems on Pipedrive's end. Check Pipedrive status from

Error example 3 ❗️

The connection was not successful. Try refreshing the page. If the problem continues, re-do the connection by disconnecting and connecting again.

Please follow the steps below in order to solve the issue ➡️
1. Refresh your Vainu page by logging out and back in, check if Pipedrive still gives the same error
2. Disconnect Pipedrive integration and reconnect it. Check if the error still remains.
3. Check that your Pipedrive trial has not expired and/or that your payment details are entered into Pipedrive. Pipedrive won't allow the connection to be made if no payment details in Pipedrive.
4. If all the steps above fail, please contact Vainu Support by emailing or from the chat icon on the bottom right corner.

Error example 4 ❗️

Failed to create fields to Pipedrive. Check permissions.

Please check that you have all the needed permissions on Pipedrive's end, the user should have at least the following permissions:
➡️ "Use API", "Add products", "Edit products", "Import items"

You need admin rights in Pipedrive to check user permissions.

Check that all the fields are editable and are not in any read-only state.

The important permission is the "Use API" which is needed for the integration to Vainu to work.

If the steps above don't solve your issue, please check that all the users are trying to connect to the same Pipedrive. Vainu Pipedrive integration can only be connected to one Pipedrive organization. If your organization uses different Pipedrive's for different countries, then connecting both of them to the same organization in Vainu is not possible. To solve this problem you should have a Vainu account for each country/Pipedrive team that is using their own Pipedrive, to enable these changes please contact your account manager or our support team from the chat icon on the bottom right corner.

Error example 5 ❗️

CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect

There are problems authenticating your Pipedrive connection. Please do the following steps:

1. Disconnect your Pipedrive connection.

2. Delete your browser cache.

3. Reconnect your Pipedrive

4. If the problem continues, please try to log out and log in

Error example 6 ❗️
The selected pipeline doesn't have any Stages in Pipedrive! Please check your Pipedrive options from

1. Check that the correct Pipeline is selected in Vainu integration settings and that it has Stages in your Pipedrive.

2. Clear browser cache: CTRL + F5 / CTRL+ shift + F5 (on Windows) OR command + shift + R (on Mac).

3. Log out via this link, and then log in again

If this doesn't solve the issue please disconnect and connect Pipedrive again. If the issue still persists please contact us in the support chat or by email at

Pipedrive Status Code errors

401 Unauthorized: Invalid API Token in Pipedrive

403 Forbidden: Request not allowed

415 Unsupported Media Type: Feature is not enabled on Pipedrive's end.

422 Unprocessed Entity: Pipedrive webhooks limit reached

503 Service Unavailable: Maintenance in Pipedrive's end, please check

  • Something went wrong while exporting

In this case, there is an error in our code, please contact us through chat or by email

HubSpot error codes & solutions:

  • Error while exporting prospect

Please check the error message text. Example issues:

- Invalid deal stage id, please select a correct deal stage in the HubSpot export settings in the settings menu, or if you don't want Vainu to create a deal in your HubSpot deselect the blue checkmark from "Deal" on the left side.

- Error while exporting prospect - 'validationResults'

Screenshot 2019-10-25 at 9.39.38

Field(s) in your HubSpot have custom rules that stop Vainu from adding data to these fields. Please check the error message in question which fields are not valid and what information to add to the correct field.

If the field is a dropdown, please check the error message for the correct field value. If you need to add the prospect to value "Lead", check what is the value of the "Lead" field. This is usually in lowercase, "lead". Using "Custom Text" option in the export settings will allow you to add data to dropdown fields in your CRM.

Error example 1 ❗️

Request for Integration Permissions, Couldn't complete the connection, you don't have permission to connect this integration.

Please check that your account has all the correct permissions mentioned in our article how to connect HubSpot to Vainu. Make sure you are assigned to Team and you have access to HubSpot Sales, How to create & Edit Teams in HubSpot.

Error example 2 ❗️
PROPERTY DOESNT EXIST - imported_from_vainu, link_to_vainu or other fields

Vainu is unable to create the "imported_from_vainu" field to your HubSpot. Please check that all permissions are correct on your HubSpot account.

➡️ Add Superadmin rights to one HubSpot user, disconnect the HubSpot connection and reconnect it again after adding Superadmin rights to a user and then do at least one export from Vainu to HubSpot with the user who has the Superadmin rights. With Superadmin rights it should be possible to create the missing field into HubSpot.

If the steps above didn't solve this problem please manually create a new field to HubSpotaccounts with the name that is causing the error message and try exporting companies again from Vainu to HubSpot.

If the issue continues, please contact us in the chat or email us at

Error example 3 ❗️
429: Too many requests

This is shown when your portal or app is over the API rate limits. Please see this document for details on those rate limits and suggestions for working within those limits.

Error example 4 ❗️
Something went wrong while exporting

There is an error in our code, please contact us through chat or by email 😊

Salesforce error codes & solutions:

Error example 1 ❗️

Error creating resource Account. <Field in your CRM> <Error message>

The field in your Salesforce doesn't accept the mentioned field or the data you are trying to export to it using Vainu. Please check the error message for more details, the error message is sent by the Salesforce API automatically. The issue can be fixed by changing your export settings in Vainu, please check this article for more details on editing your CRM export settings: Vainu CRM Export Settings.

Error example 2 ❗️
Error creating resource Account. CompanyID should be a numeric value.

The business ID field in your Salesforce needs to be a numeric value. Please change the "Business ID type" field in Export settings.

Error example 3 ❗️
Error creating resource lead. Please select your country

When creating a Lead to your Salesforce CRM the field "Country" is missing data in the export settings.

How to solve this issue?

If possible remove the restriction that country is needed for Leads in Salesforce. If this is not possible check the steps below.

1. Go to Vainu and navigate to Salesforce export settings.

2. Check the export settings for exporting Leads and add a new export field.

3. Select a country field from Vainu's end in the Account section.

4. Select the country field from Salesforce's end in the Lead section.

5. Save your export settings and test exporting a lead to Salesforce.

If the steps above did not solve your issue please check the following steps:

1. Users that have this issue need to go to their personal settings in Salesforce.

2. Find a field called "Country" and set it up as the correct country for them. Here is a Salesforce article about user personal field management

3. After the correct Country information has been set the export should work.

Error example 4 ❗️

Error creating resource Lead. Required fields are missing (example) [LastName]

This error is received if your current export settings are missing the field LastName or you are currently not exporting contacts out of Vainu.

This error happens if your current export settings contain Lead export options, and when exporting companies in Vainu you are not exporting the company through the company employees section. When exporting to Salesforce as a Lead contact is always required. Exporting contacts on the employee's page is possible when you hover over a contact the export options will appear.

Screenshot 2019-10-30 at 11.04.52

Error example 5 ❗️

Problem authenticating with Salesforce. If the problem persists, try disconnecting Salesforce in Vainu settings and then reconnecting.

Please disconnect and reconnect your Salesforce connection. If this problem continues, please check that your Salesforce account has access to Salesforce REST API which is needed for the integration to work.

Error example 6 ❗️

Salesforce login error IP Restricted (in the website url): error=Authentication process canceled: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"ip restricted"}

Your Salesforce has an IP restriction active which stops Vainu from accessing your data in Salesforce. You can change this by editing the IP restriction settings in Salesforce, if this error happens please contact our support so we can provide the IP addresses to be included in the IP whitelist. You can contact support from the chat in the bottom right corner or by emailing

Error example 7 ❗️

Salesforce login error (in the website url): ?error=This%20salesforce-oauth2%20account%20is%20already%20in%20use.

Your Salesforce account is already in use on another Vainu user. Salesforce restrictions allow only one Salesforce account to connect Vainu to Salesforce. To solve the issue, log out from the other account or use another Salesforce account to create the connection.

Error example 8 ❗️

Error creating a lead. Following fields are needed: (field names)

There are mandatory fields set up in your Salesforce that are required when exporting a lead. Please add those fields to the export settings or change what are the mandatory fields in your Salesforce.

Error example 9 ❗️

TotalRequests Limit exceeded

Your Salesforce REST API has exceeded its maximum request limit. You either have to wait until you can do more API requests or purchase more licenses to raise the MAX limit if you expect the user to always be higher than what your current MAX is.

Error example 10 ❗️
Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
'bad value for restricted picklist field: PicklistValue'

You may receive the error above when trying to create a new record in Salesforce if you are inputting data to a pick list or record type field. Please follow the Salesforce guide when trying to resolve the issue.

Error example 11 ❗️

The connection is not successful. Problem authenticating with Salesforce Sandbox

Please try to disconnect and reconnect Salesforce Sandbox. This might require 1-3 tries. If the problem still persists after 1-3 reconnection tries please contact us in chat or by emailing

Error example 12 ❗️
Error creating resource Account. There is a problem with this country even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries:

Vainu export settings are unable to transfer data to the field mentioned in the error message. You will see which field is causing the issue by checking the example image above, the field which is causing the problem will be mentioned at the end of the message which in this example is "Billing Country". This happens when Vainu is trying to take the country name to a pick list/dropdown menu in Salesforce and the data from Vainu is not matching the dropdown options.

How to fix the issue?

If the field is not necessary you can remove this field from your export settings. Unless the field is mandatory in your Salesforce this will fix the problem. If you wish to include this data in your Salesforce please check the steps below on how to solve the issue.

1. Go to Salesforce and check how the country names as spelled in your CRM. Remember that Vainu needs the value of the dropdown/picklist field. Here is a Salesforce article on how to check pick list values:

2. Go to Vainu and Salesforce Export Settings. Remove the export setting for the field reported in the problem.

3. Add a new row to the export settings. From the left side options (Contact/Account/Signal/Custom Text) in the export settings (Vainu's end) select the option "Custom Text".

4. To the empty box next to the custom write the exact country value mentioned in your Salesforce.

5. From the right side settings choose the field that was giving the error message.

6. Save your export settings and try to export a company to your Salesforce.

NOTE! If you are using multiple databases in Vainu you will need to create custom export settings for each country as the custom text field will always be the same. If the custom text field says "Sweden" and you try to export a company from Finland, then the custom text option will remain as "Sweden". Create export settings for each Vainu country you are using if this is needed.

Error example 13 ❗️

Error creating resource Account. Unable to create/update fields: Name. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.

Fields stated in the error message are locked for you or the whole account in Salesforce. Please check the read/write permissions on the mentioned field(s).

Error examples 14 and 15 ❗️

  • Missing Required Field

  • Failed to create a resource

Check the error message for the fields that are causing a problem. Please check that all required fields are set in your export settings. When exporting a lead, remember that Salesforce requires surname as a mandatory field.

Error example 16 ❗️

Connection not successful. The REST API is not enabled for this Organization.

Please check that you have REST API enabled on your Salesforce account, 3rd party guide on checking if REST API is enabled.

Error example 17 ❗️

Internal Server Error

Please check the error message and Salesforce status from

Upsales error codes & solutions:

Error example 1 ❗️

Something went wrong while exporting

First, check that you have all the options selected in your Upsales integration settings. If the Upsales Account Manager field is empty in your settings exporting companies will not work. Select the correct Account Manager from the field and the export will work.

Screenshot 2019-04-25 at 12.29.23

Error example 2 ❗️

Can't find API key, where to generate API key for Upsales Integration

You'll need admin access to generate an API Key. Please check the following article by Upsales about generating an API key: Upsales Generate API Key

If the solution above doesn't solve the issue then there is an error in our code, please contact us through the chat or by email

SuperOffice error codes & solutions:

Error example 1 ❗️

Something went wrong while exporting

1. Check that you have all fields set up in the SuperOffice settings. This error message will appear if "Create Sale on export when" or "Contact person source" are not set.

Screenshot 2019-03-18 at 14.06.35

2. There is an error in our code. Please contact us through chat or by email

Dynamics error codes & solutions:

Error example 1 ❗️

CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect

There are problems authenticating your Dynamics connection. Please do the following steps:

1. Disconnect your Dynamics connection.

2. Delete your browser cache.

3. Reconnect your Dynamics.

4. If the problem continues, please try to log out and log in and repeat the steps above once more.

5. If the problem still happens please contact support by emailing us at or by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner 💬

Error example 2 ❗️

Dynamics 365 Connection was not successful. Timeout when getting data

Screenshot 2019-10-31 at 8.42.06

There are a few quick troubleshooting methods that can be tried initially.

1. Try to reconnect your Dynamics 365 integration. Authentication to Dynamics has timed out and requires re-authentication for the connection to work.

2. Check that your Dynamics user has proper Security Role permissions in Dynamics 365. The user needs to be able to fetch and edit data on all Account, Contact, and Lead fields. You can check this Microsoft article on how to edit user permissions

3. Clear the internet browsing cache in the web browser you use. Vainu only supports Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Please ensure that you are using one of these three mentioned browsers. After the cache has been cleared please try to reconnect your Dynamics integration.

4. If it isn’t resolved by these initial steps, one thing you can do is check to ensure you are logged in to the correct Dynamics account.

5. If all the steps above did not solve your issues, please contact Vainu Support.

Error example 3 ❗️

Error while exporting prospect
Info: A record was not created or updated because a duplicate of the current record already exists. Status code: 412 when sending a POST request to URL

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When exporting companies from Vainu to Dynamics, there may be duplicate detection rules in Dynamics CRM, that will cause an error if they’re not met. Duplicate rules might contain example: company name, business id, address, and domain. To fix this, the Dynamics admin user needs to check the Duplicate detection rules and change them from the Dynamics Data Management settings.

Check these articles for help or contact your Dynamics admin user:

Turn duplicate detection rules on or off for the whole organization

Other errors & solutions ✅

Something went wrong while exporting

There is an error in our code, please contact us through the chat or by email

My export fields are in orange

Export fields that have types that are incompatible with the selected Vainu field are in orange. This is a guideline only. Some fields marked in orange may be compatible and some not in orange may not be compatible depending on the field validation in your CRM.

Autosync hasn't updated for a few days?

Please do a full import in the integration settings and if the issue persist please contact us in the chat or by email

Incorrect Owner on exported Accounts or number of accounts (companies) under your ownership is too low or too high.

Please do a full import in the integration settings, this will update the owner details on the CRM data section and if the issue persists please contact us in the chat or by email

I can't see my integration option in the integration settings menu.

Integrations can be purchased as an additional feature in Vainu. If you have purchased an CRM Integration feature and it's not visible for you in the settings menu please contact us in the chat or by email

A field is missing in import or export settings

If a field is missing in import or export settings, please check that the field isn't locked or read-only as every user needs to have permission to edit the field. When the field is editable it should appear in the settings.

I can't find companies after full import

Companies imported from your CRM can be found by using CRM - System filter. If the filter brings zero results please clear your cache. Companies imported from your CRM are stored in the browser cache so removing it will make Vainu fetch the latest data.

If you still can't see any companies after an import check that your full import settings are correct. If matching companies by business ID doesn't bring results, please try matching companies by name. If you are using multiple databases please remember to check all countries from the Country filter.

📌 If you need to change what fields or data is taken to your CRM (HubSpot, Salesforce, Dynamics) please check this article on how to edit export fields.

If these didn't solve your issue, please get in touch with our support team through the chat, or send an email to

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