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Manage your lists

Learn how to delete, rename, duplicate, share, and import a list of companies to an existing list

Updated over a month ago

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See what lists you have and learn how to manage them

When you are on the "Profiles"-view, you can see on the top left, next to the text "Company profiles," the database you are on. In each database you can access, you have your own lists for them, so be sure to choose the right database when looking for a specific list.

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Under the "Create a list" option, you can find your Lists, Lists shared with you, and your Custom lists. To see the lists in each category, you have to expand it from the small arrow next to the category.

Manage lists

A) Hover over a list name in the list of Lists, three dots appear next to it, and by clicking it, you will see options to Duplicate, Share, and Delete the list.

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B) Click the three dots on the top-right when viewing the List.

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Duplicating a list

When you duplicate a list created with search filters, the search filters are copied to the new list. After you have duplicated a list, you might want to rename the list.

Sharing a list

You can share any of your lists with your colleagues who use Vainu in the same organization. Click Share and select the permissions you want to give, and Save.

  • Can edit

  • Can view

  • No access

Deleting a Lists

Deleting a single list is simple, just click the "Delete" option from the three dots.

Please note that you can't bring back deleted lists. If you accidentally deleted a list, please contact support, who will be able to help you.

Managing lists in the old Vainu platform (

Manage your lists in the list view or list Settings:

  • See how many dynamic, static, and shared lists you have

  • Delete lists

  • Rename lists

  • Duplicate lists

  • Share lists with your colleagues

  • Import a list of companies to an existing list

  • Unsubscribe from a shared list

A) Click on the 3 dots on the right side of a list name to manage your list.

Access lists

B) Select Settings above the name of the list you want to manage.

Manage lists

See how many dynamic, static & shared lists you have

You can see the number of lists you have in the number next to the dynamic lists & static lists. If you have over five (5) dynamic or static lists you will be shown a Show more (xx) button. This will show you many lists you have that are not shown in the basic view. Clicking Show More opens a new view where you can see all your lists. You can also search lists based on the name by using the search bar.

Delete a single list

You can delete a single list by opening the list view by clicking the icon with three dots next to the list name or in your target list Settings. Choose the option Delete Target list. Vainu will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the list. Select OK and the list will be deleted.

Please note that you can't bring back deleted lists. If you accidentally deleted a list, please contact support who will be able to help you.

Delete multiple lists

You can delete multiple lists or all lists at once. Click >> HERE to mass-delete lists or the Show more button under either dynamic or static lists.

1. Click the Delete lists button on the top left corner.

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2. You can delete all lists or you can select them by clicking the empty boxes that appeared on the left side of your lists.

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3. If you want to delete only the selected lists, choose the lists you want to delete, the boxes will turn red after the selection. After selecting all lists you wish to delete click the Delete selected button that has replaced the Delete All option in the top left corner.

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Rename a list

You can rename a list by clicking the icon with 3 dots next to the list name or in your target list Settings. In the all lists view the 3-dot icon will appear after you hover your mouse over the list.

Click Change name and you can give your list a new name in the text box that appears. After you have selected a new name, Save changes.

Duplicate a list

You can duplicate any prospect list by clicking the icon with 3 dots next to the list name or in your target list Settings. When you duplicate a list created with search filters the search filters are copied to the new list. After you have duplicated a list, you might want to rename the list.

Share a list

You can share any of your target lists between your colleagues who use Vainu in the same organization. Click the icon with 3 dots next to the list name or go to your target list Settings. From the drop-down menu, click Share. Select the permissions you want to give and Save.

  • Read-only permission to all users

  • Full permission to all users --> your colleagues can modify your lists as well

  • User-specified settings

Your list is now visible to your selected colleagues!

Screenshot 2019-03-18 at 13.13.52

Import a list of companies to an existing list

If you wish to import more companies to an already existing static list, follow these steps:

1. Click the Target Group icon on the navigation bar on the left.

2. Select a list from the Static lists menu. You can not add companies to dynamic lists.

3. Open the list you wish to add companies to.

4. From the search filters, choose the Lists filter category and Upload list filter.

Upload list

5. Follow the instructions that open up after clicking the Upload list. Vainu will add the companies in your file to the static list.

Unsubscribe from a shared list

If you want to unsubscribe from a shared list to stop it from appearing on your list of shared lists, you need to click the icon with 3 dots next to the list name or go to the target list Settings. From the drop-down menu, click Unsubscribe. There are no additional prompts and after clicking on Unsubscribe the list should disappear from your list view.

Should you have any questions, please contact us by clicking "Talk to a Person" in the Vainu chat or by sending an email to

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