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Sort your search results 🔀

Sort your search results by Vainu score, revenue, company name, and the number of employees, and filter signals by timeframe.

Updated over 6 months ago

List of companies or domains

In the List view the results are sorted according to Vainu Score by default.

What is Vainu Score? 📈
Vainu score ranks companies or domains based on the amount of data we have about the entity. To rank by Vainu Score means that entities with the most complete company profile are shown first and entities with the least information end up on the last pages of the results by default.

When using Vainu's NORDIC DATABASES, you can sort the results based on these values:

  • Alphabetical order (Company name)

  • Revenue

  • Number of employees

Näyttökuva 2023-2-22 kello 14.52.38

When using Vainu's GLOBAL DOMAIN DATABASE, you can sort the results based on these values:

  • Alphabetical order (Domain)

  • Web rank (The traffic ranking of the domain.)

Näyttökuva 2023-2-22 kello 14.51.28

Grid View & List View

You can also change from the default Grid view to the List view. You can change the view next to the sort menu by using these icons:

Näyttökuva 2023-2-22 kello 15.16.20

View Signals (Not available in the new Vainu Platform)

Signals are always shown in chronological order. If you like to find signals from a specific time frame, set the timeframe in the upper right corner.

Näyttökuva 2020-6-18 kello 15.48.25

Set the start and finish dates. 🗓️

You will only see signals published in your selected timeframe. Easy to filter out unwanted results!

🕵🏻‍♀️ Contact Vainu Support if you have any questions! You can send an email to or send a message through chat.

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