The basic data filters on Vainu include several filters that tell something about the company's character and official status. You can use these filters, for example, as a starting point for your dynamic list.
How? 🧐
We have gathered all the filters that describe the character of the company under Profile:
➡️ Company name
You can find companies with the name starting with or containing a specific word. This can be handy if you want to search for, e.g., filial companies (or exclude them).
➡️ Business Entity
Are you interested, for example, only in organizations or public limited companies? The business entity filter is the answer to that!
➡️ Vainu Custom Industry
Vainu Custom Industry describes what the company is actually doing compared to the official industry information. Vainu Custom Industries contains 800+ industries, which you can combine to create accurate target segments.
➡️ Industry (Official)
You can find companies in certain industries, and pick the ones relevant to your business by using the industry filter. The industries are based on standard industrial classification ISIC.
➡️ Founded & registration year/date
Find, for instance, companies that are recently founded or celebrating their 30th anniversary this year.
Now that you are familiar with company profile filters, try making your search more specific by utilizing: